What is a typical day like at McMinnville Playschool?
Play is the main event at our school. Children need large blocks of time to investigate deeply, practice new skills, build relationships, or to organize the roles and rules of a complex game. Here is an example of how a day at Playschool typically looks:
8:30-8:45: Arrival of Family Co-Teachers
Family co-teachers participating in the classroom arrive early to help setup and prepare for the day.
9:00-9:15 Arrival of Students:
The teacher will be at the door to great children as they arrive. This helps to ease the transition from home to school.
9:00-9:45: Indoor Exploration
Children choose from a variety of activities in the classroom. Art, science, manipulatives, reading, dramatic play and block areas are always available. Parents are available to read, replenish supplies and keep company with children.
9:45-10:00 Circle Time (Also referred to as “Morning Meeting”)
This is a time for our whole class to come together to sing beloved songs, engage in treasured rituals, and discuss issues that are important to the children.
10:00-12:00: Indoor and Outdoor Exploration
Children are invited to continue their work from the morning. Small groups may form to study a topic more in-depth. The playground will also be available at this time. Children may have snack whenever they are hungry.
11:45-12:00: Dismissal
Families pick up children from the playground and get a brief update about their child’s day.
12:00-12:45: Family Co-teacher Clean Up
While the teacher dismisses students, coteachers finish cleaning up.
12:45-1:00: Family Co-teacher/Teacher Meeting
Family coteachers and the teacher discuss the day’s events. This is an excellent chance for coteachers to bring any problems or concerns about the class day to the teacher.